Rails Camp 5 and Sydney RORO Meetup

11 Jun 2009

I think it’s time I gave a brief update about a couple of professional events within the Australian Ruby community that I’ve recently enjoyed.

Rails Camp 5

Last month over an extended weekend the fifth Australian Rails Camp was held in the Queensland Gold Coast Hinterland. The venue was superb, much fun was had and a great deal of thanks is due to the Brisbane contingent who organised the event.

Having started the weekend working on my own to improve my iPhone development skills, particularly with respect to using ObjectiveResource to integrate an iPhone app with a Rails backend, I was actually very pleased that I didn’t continue on this path beyond Saturday afternoon. From Saturday evening onwards I teamed up with Martin Stannard and Michael Koukoullis to develop a Heroku-like tool called Bivouac. I thoroughly enjoyed our collaboration and learnt much from it. For anyone else considering attending a future Rails Camp I thoroughly recommend getting involved in a team project rather than working alone.

More on Bivouac in a later post. Meanwhile, you can find the source on github.

Sydney June RORO Meeting

Earlier this week the monthly Sydney RORO (Ruby on Rails Oceania) meeting featured a dozen lightning talks. In one of my talks I shared a technique for providing XML in a legacy format via REST, XML Builder and a presenter object. Whilst the example is contrived, the technique is one that I used to handle a requirement for a client recently.

Here are the slides.

In fairness, I must give credit to Obie Fernandez for his coverage of XML Builder in his book, The Rails Way, which gave me a head start.

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