I’ve been aware of Prawn, the Ruby PDF generation library for some time. Today was the first occasion I had an opportunity to utilise it and I was delighted with how easy it was to use.
My Ruby application needed to generate some tabular PDF reports so I installed the prawn gem and, with a little help from the examples on the Prawn home page and the core and layout documentation, I was off and running.
An example of using prawn via a rake task follows:
require 'rubygems'
require 'prawn'
require 'prawn/layout'
namespace :report do
desc "Generate top 10 points getters report"
task :top10 =\> :environment do
Prawn::Document.generate("reports/top10.pdf") do
font "#{Prawn::BASEDIR}/data/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf"
font_size 14
text "Top 10 Points Getters"
text " "
# fetch two-dimensional array of data for the table
data = Player.top10_data
table data,
:font_size => 9,
:position => :center,
:headers => ["#", "Player", "Points"],
:row_colors => ["ffffff", "eeeeee"]
Generating the report was then as simple as running:
rake report:top10
I’m looking forward to using other features of Prawn such as image embedding and content positioning. At the time of writing prawn itself is version 0.4.1 and prawn-layout is 0.1.0. Hopefully James Healy, an Australian noted as “instrumental to the forward development of the library”, is coming to Railscamp 5 next month. Then I can pick his brains about what other features are in the pipeline.
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